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    1. Request management

    How do you manage projects and track workflow, approvals, open project status both internally and externally with your suppliers for telecom requests related  for new, disconnect, changes, and upgrades?

    You probably have some what of a process but you're missing out on a ton of efficiency. Most organizations are using upwards of 3 to 4 applications to receive internal demand, track project status and receive internal approvals. By implementing an application like Temforce teams are able to reduced their time to generate a request from anywhere from 30 minutes to 3+ hours, for individual requests and project down to less than a minute. Check out our blog post on Workflow Management

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    By not having any process in place it’s the wild wild west. Teams are likely ordering services without approval, tracking project status is most likely a nightmare and who knows what costs you're signing up to and under what terms and conditions.

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    Good Stuff! To determine how well your system performs, Check out our CPO pop quiz test and see how fast your team is able to provide responses back. If it takes more than 1 hour to receive the information cross check your process and your system to ensure it's really fit for purpose.

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    2. Inventory

    How do you keep track of your network inventory: service IDs, voice and mobile usage, location data, fiber route maps kmz, cost centers, costs, parent child relationships across access, cross connect, cable systems, hardware asstes, data center power and storage etc. today?

    You probably have some what of a process but you're missing out on a ton of efficiency. By implementing an application like Temforce teams are able to automate how their inventory is maintained. In addition to the automation, with a solution like Temforce you can standardize how information is captured and quickly access the data with a high-level of confidence. Check out our blog on How to Manage a Telecom Inventory

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    It's great that you are keeping track of your inventory however keeping the information all to yourself is bad for your business. While you might feel you have a level of authority and control there are other key team members that can benefit from having transparency too.

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    Not good on so many levels. Without a proper inventory, you run the risk of several important factors. For Example, at some point in time your telecom services are going to have a network performance issue. During these times having your network inventory, (service ID's, location information, and carrier details) at your finger tips are vital to your success in 1- providing this information to your service provider and 2 - bringing the service back into production. We recommend taking steps ASAP to start building your telecom inventory. Check out our blog on How to Build a Telecom Inventory.

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    Good Stuff! To determine how well your system performs, Check out our CPO pop quiz test and see how fast your team is able to provide responses back. If it takes more than 1 hour to receive the information cross check your process and your system to ensure it's really fit for purpose

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    3. Outages

    How do you raise and track network performance outages and SLA credits?

    Calling for an outage is ok but the challenge will be what information are you providing your carrier with followed next by how are you keeping track of the outage. You will also struggle to understand and trend out the performance measurements of your network.

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    Sending emails for an outage is ok but the challenge will be keeping track of multiple outages, how this information is stored, and the lack of ability to quickly understand and trend out the performance measurements of your network.

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    Without a proper outage system you will loose sight of your network performance and SLA Credits. You also run the risk of experiencing an impact to your business productivity.

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    Good Stuff! To determine how well your system performs, Check out our CPO pop quiz test and see how fast your team is able to provide responses back. If it takes more than 1 hour to receive the information cross check your process and your system to ensure it's really fit for purpose

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    4. Contracts

    How do you maintain contracts, agreed product rate card costs, and manage your expiration for pipeline renewals or access key service level agreement data?

    Good news is the information is in a system. The bad news is the information is spread across multiple areas and the confidence level of the accordance is low. Not having well organized contractual data puts your business at risk of several things including failing an audit compliance check. Your team is also most likely not performing Supplier Performance Management either.

    Take steps to gather all contractual data across your IT network and develop a contract boiler plate template capturing key information about the contract like, agreement name, supplier, contract term length, terminate clause, limits of liability etc. Agree a mandate for where contracts will be stored and hold teams accountable for ensuring their contracts are updated and maintained in the system.

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    "The bad thing about not keeping your contract information is no one else has access to contractual terms. However teams in Service Delivery could benefit from having access to the contract service level agreement for example. Not having well organized contractual data puts your business at risk of several things including failing an audit compliance check. Your team is also most likely not performing Supplier Performance Management either.

    Consider creating a contract boilerplate template with summaries of the agreement as speak with your team to understand which areas of the contract they might want access to."

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    "The bad thing about not keeping track of your contractual information is no one has or understands what terms your business has agreed to. Your team is not managing things like contract renewals, spend commitments, and understanding supplier SLA's and KPI's. Not having well organized contractual data puts your business at risk of several things including failing an audit compliance check. Your team is also most likely not performing Supplier Performance Management either.

    Take steps to gather all contractual data across your IT network and develop a contract boiler plate template capturing key information about the contract like, agreement name, supplier, contract term length, terminate clause, limits of liability etc. Agree a mandate for where contracts will be stored and hold teams accountable for ensuring their contracts are updated and maintained in the system. "

    Article sugestion

    Good Stuff! To determine how well your system performs, Check out our CPO pop quiz test and see how fast your team is able to provide responses back. If it takes more than 1 hour to receive the information cross check your process and your system to ensure it's really fit for purpose

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    5. Finance

    How do you validate whether your invoices are OK to pay?

    You've created a hack approach of keeping track of your supplier invoices and billing accounts. In the grand scheme this is noting more than a cross check list of keep track of whether the account was paid before and the previous months amount. Your team could be paying for services that are billing incorrectly or that have or should be ceased. Without proper validation you could be wasting upwards of 10% - 15% each month in overspend.

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    At least you're honest. The bad thing about guessing is you're running the risk of paying for incorrect billing, services which have been ceased that are still billing and lots of other issues. As next steps, consider performing an audit ASAP.

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    The bad thing about just paying the invoice is you're running the risk of paying for incorrect billing, services which have been ceased that are still billing and lots of other issues. As next steps, consider performing an audit ASAP.

    Article sugestion

    Good Stuff! To determine how well your system performs, Check out our CPO pop quiz test and see how fast your team is able to provide responses back. If it takes more than 1 hour to receive the information cross check your process and your system to ensure it's really fit for purpose

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